Some people like to plan their own funeral before they die so it can be exactly the way they want it. If this is you and you do not like the traditional way your body is handled after death, you have other options, three of which are listed below.
Be a Mummy
Ancient Egyptians often mummified their loved ones after they died. You can now find mummification services in the United States.
- For approximately 50 percent of the population, it seems to make more sense to opt for a cremation. The most obvious reason for this is the fact that a funeral can cost in excess of $7,045, depending on where you live, while cremation might only cost about $3,250 if you choose to add a memorial service as well. However, if you are deciding to have your final resting place be in the form of environmentally-friendly ashes, then you might want to consider planning this ahead of your actual demise.
- If you have had a loved one die and you were the one that knew him or her best, chances are excellent that you will be the one in charge of choosing what your loved one should wear when he or she is in the coffin. This can be a difficult decision that will likely mean a lot to you during the funeral. You want to choose clothing that is going to look okay in the casket and that properly shows what your loved one was like when he or she was alive.
- You're drafting your funeral pre-plan and want to pick the best funeral home with which to work. While your plan contains your wishes for after you have passed away, your family will be the ones personally involved with the funeral directors and staff. Choose the funeral home that will help your family through the ordeal of putting you to rest while dealing with their own grief. Get to Know the Staff
- Are you grieving over the loss of someone that you love and trying to plan the funeral in the least stressful way? It may be a good option to opt for a funeral with cremation being done that is still respectful of your loved one, but will not require as much work as a ground burial. Discover in this article what you should know about choosing cremation over a ground burial for a funeral.