Memorial services can vary just as greatly as the personality of the individual being memorialized at the service. Furthermore, more and more families are choosing to steer away from "traditional" memorial services with the wishes of celebrating the life of their loved one with some more unique services. Fortunately, options are pretty endless when it comes to ideas for unique memorial services.
1. Scholarship in Honor of the Memorialized Individual
- When a family member, friend, or other loved one passes away, things are tough on you. Losing someone is hard because you know you will never see them again. This stress is compounded when you are the one who must plan for the funeral and burial arrangements. If the dearly departed is a Catholic, and you are not, then there might be some confusion on how to go forward. One question that might arise is whether every Catholic receives an official funeral.
- Some people may find that working as a makeup artist in a funeral home (such as Linnemann Funeral Homes) is a little disconcerting. The faces you work on do not talk back, and they are cold to the touch. It is a sharp contrast to working on living people in a salon. However, you will never have a dissatisfied customer ever again. If you think you would enjoy a job working as a makeup artist in a funeral home, then there are a few things you should know.
- Writing an obituary can be difficult and you could find yourself having trouble figuring out what to say. Here is a guideline for writing an obituary that you can use to help you write. Call The Newspaper You Want It Published In The first call you make before you commit pen to paper should be the newspaper that you want to get the obituary published in. Talk to someone in the classified section and get a clear understanding of the deadline for when the text needs to be submitted in order to make sure it makes it into print.