Learn How A Graveside Funeral Is Different

If you are trying to make plans for the funeral of a loved one, but you're at a loss of where to begin, you might want to first start by learning about graveside funerals. This type of funeral service is gaining popularity and for good reason. Of course, if you are not familiar with it, you might not know whether it is something you should have set up for your loved one. To help with this, you will want to make sure that you are checking out the following information:

It's Much Shorter

A traditional funeral service held inside of a funeral home can last hours. In some cases, it can last an entire day. There could be a lot of people or very few people attending, but there is still a long list of things that can be expected. There is the viewing, speeches, music, and time spent chatting among friends, family, and religious leaders. With the graveside service, the entire thing from start to finish might only be an hour in some cases. In some situations, it could even be much shorter than that. There may still be a speech and you can still have some religious elements involved, but this type of service is usually much more to the point.

It's Outside

The entire service is done outside, right along the side of the grave. There might be a speech or religious text read for those in attendance, while the casket is still raised above the gravesite. Once everything is done, the casket is then lowered. It might be lowered as a part of the service. However, there are a lot of funeral operations that lower the casket once the service is over and everyone has left. Rain or shine, the funeral will take place outside so you will want to be prepared for rain or snowfall depending on where you live and the time of the year.

With that information in mind, you should find that you are going to have a much better idea as to whether this is the route you want to take when it comes to planning a funeral. The graveside funeral is something that most funeral homes offer, but you will still want to check with the funeral home director. Simply explain that this is the type of funeral service you are interested in the most and ask if they are able to accommodate that. You can then begin going over the details of the service with the funeral home director so everything can be properly planned out. Even though it will be a small and simple funeral service, it can still be lovely and a time in which loved ones can say their goodbyes in a respectful way.

For more information bout funeral home services, contact a funeral home in your area.

About Me

Honoring Your Loved Ones

When someone that you love passes away, it can be hard to cope with the new normal. Before you can get on with the rest of your life, you need to plan a memorial service, which can be emotionally challenging. However, if you work with the right funeral home and know what you want, you you might be able to streamline the process. I have had several family members pass on, and I am somewhat of a funeral enthusiast. This blog is all about helping you to honor your loved ones by talking about what different funeral homes have to offer.

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