Advance Funeral Planning: Three Tips For Planning Your Own Funeral

In life, death and taxes are the only things that are certain. Since you can't take control of your funeral once you are gone, now is the time to make preparations. This ensures you have the type of service that you prefer.

1. Convey Your Wishes to Your Loved Ones

One of the most important things you can do when preplanning your funeral is to tell your loved ones your plans. All the preplanning in the world is worthless if your family doesn't know or doesn't have access to your funeral plans. This step is also important if you prefer a funeral service that goes against societal norms.

Once you tell your family your plans, include the details of it in your will. Make sure that a copy of your will, any receipts, and other written wishes are easily accessible in a safe spot.

2. Decide What Type of Funeral or Memorial Service You Prefer

When it comes to your funeral service, you have a plethora of options to pick from.

Your burial service can be held inside at a funeral home or church. Some are also held at the graveside. An open casket viewing allows friends and family to see your body, visit with one another, and say their goodbyes before the actual burial. If you prefer a closed casket service, make sure to specify this.

If you are opting for cremation over burial, make sure to dictate whether or not you want a viewing to be part of your services. One idea is to have an open casket memorial service before the cremation takes place. Others may prefer to have the memorial service without the viewing, in order to save money or out of personal preference.

Consider what religious elements or services you want to be a part of your funeral.

3. Understand What Happens When You Prepay for Services

Many funeral homes ask that you prepay for a portion or all of your burial service. Before swiping your card, make sure you understand exactly what you are paying for. For example, some funeral homes require that you prepay for the equipment (such as the casket, vault, or urn), but don't require payment for services until they are rendered.

Take a moment to learn about what happens to the money that you prepay. Ideally, the money is placed in a trust or other protected account until it is time for your funeral. Check to see that your money is protected if the funeral home goes out of business. 

Ask about the return policy on preplanned funerals as well, should you need to change some or all of the details concerning your funeral.

One of the most helpful things you can do for your loved ones is handle the planning of your funeral. When you're gone, loved ones can focus on grieving, rather than trying to sort out all of the details. Contact a funeral home like Foran Funeral Home to get started.

About Me

Honoring Your Loved Ones

When someone that you love passes away, it can be hard to cope with the new normal. Before you can get on with the rest of your life, you need to plan a memorial service, which can be emotionally challenging. However, if you work with the right funeral home and know what you want, you you might be able to streamline the process. I have had several family members pass on, and I am somewhat of a funeral enthusiast. This blog is all about helping you to honor your loved ones by talking about what different funeral homes have to offer.

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